Video conferencing systems for an ever changing world, Humboldt County NV.
We integrated the latest sound reinforcement & video conferencing technology in the County’s Court Rooms, Commissioner’s Chambers, Libraries, and Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Centers.
Each system’s hybrid design allows for the flexibility required to adapt quickly to an ever-changing world. Regardless of if there is one person in the room or 100, and regardless of if the system is being used for a public meeting, internal training, press release, or incident response.
Each system is custom designed to meet the needs of the end-user, and integrate into the architecture of the room.
Each system is designed with a simple touchscreen interface for seamless operation, and IR sensors to turn the system on when meeting participants enter the room.
Emergency Operations Center incident response system, local commercial international airport.
We recently installed an overhead communication system at a local commercial airport, which for security reasons will remain unnamed. The system allows the control tower, the local fire department, and local law enforcement to communicate with the airport’s Operations Center and Emergency Operations Center.
The system is programmed to automatically answer, assign, and distribute emergency announcements and alarms to the various centers and zones within each center. Audio signals are assigned based on the level of priority and the requirements of the response team at each center and within each zone.
The airport required a system that was both 100% dependable and 100% autonomous. We chose a Biamp Systems digital sound processor for its flexibility and mission-critical reliability, and JBL Control 26 professional ceiling speakers for their clarity.
The system is seamless and like any properly integrated system, it allows responders to do their job and forget about the technology that makes it possible.